Monday, December 29, 2008


Had to post about our day today!  The weather was AMAZING and we headed to the beach to enjoy it.  Yes, we went to the beach on December 29th.  Life is good!

For some reason, the photos are always in reverse order, so here is the end of our day!

Mia running away... 
The hole!  (Mia discovered this on our walk, I looked away for 2 seconds, and she disappeared.  I only had to panic for a minute before her little head popped up!)
The boys had a blast leaping over the occupants of the hole.


Jill said...

Funny, while the rest of the world is buckled down for frigid weather and you are at the beach. While you were at the beach we were playing at a park enjoying our 62 degree weather. Your family is growing, your boys look like men.

Sarah said...

How FUN! I'm quite envious. I know how to make the pictures go the right, just call me.

Heather McDonald said...

I'm soooo jealous! That sand looks inviting.